Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Short Note from the New Caretakers of Darke Journal

As you may or may not have noticed, "DJ" is off to other, (arguably) more important pursuits. Therefore, he has graciously transitioned the reigns of to us. While we hope to add our own flair and innovation to Darke Journal, things will continue to operate more or less as usual.

We will continue moderating comments, watching over the chat box, and posting stories throughout the day. Submissions, questions, and general comments about the site will continue to go to

More importantly, we wanted to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to feel free to submit stories, pictures, video, etc with things the community may be interested in. We would love to continue to develop the site as being interactive with the community. What makes this site stand out is its ability to be flexible and work as an extension of the community. There are no fixed schedules or deadlines. In essence, Darke Journal can be whatever we all make it.

Thanks again for your continued support of Darke Journal!
- John & Megan Liette (I know what you're thinking... I still don't know who that is...)


  1. Dear Mr. & Mrs. New Management,
    Almost since day one, we knew who was running Darke Journal when Jason was doing it. Would you care to identify yourselves?

  2. Obviously, I change the post to include our names. There's not a real reason to be so mysterious, I guess.

  3. welcome aboard, john & megan
    this site is great,i will continue to look at it every day!
    keep up the good work!!!thanks for making this my number one site!!!


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