Sunday, May 15, 2011

Call for Submissions: Garage Sale Listings

We are going to try out a new feature here on Darke Journal, garage sale listings! We want to create a centralized page where you can find a comprehensive list of garage sales, but it will depend on you to submit ads and information for your garage sales. For now, this advertising will be completely free! 

So, need a quick way to get your garage sale listing noticed by the community? Submit it to us at

We will post the items as we get them, but categorize them based on the weekend they are happening, making it simple to view only the listings for a particular weekend. In addition, each week we will post a link to that upcoming weekend's listings here on the main page you visit everyday. Easy! 

Here's an example submission (keep them to around 50 words):

123 Fake Street - Kids toys, baby clothes, used furniture, tools, used electronics and more! Open 9a-5p Thursday, May 19 through Sunday May 22. 

Send in your listing to now and we will compile them and post them through the week! We will post the items within a day or two of receiving them, so submit them early!

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