Monday, May 2, 2011

Open Discussion: What's Next?

Well, you've had nearly a full day to digest the news. How are you feeling? Safer? Relieved? Less safe? Anxious?

Just from watching the chat, listening and observing co workers and friends, and watching the news cycle in over drive, I've witness a multitude of reactions to the news of Osama Bin Laden's assassination. Now that you've had nearly a full day to process the news and the potential implications, how are you feeling? Tell us about it.

If that doesn't tickle your fancy, take this as a reminder to vote tomorrow! We have a de facto election for Mayor of the City of Greenville as well as a renewal levy for Greenville City Schools (don't forget, if you don't wish to participate in the Republican primary, you can request an issues only ballot to vote on the levy issue). How are you feeling about the local landscape? Sometimes large national stories like the one we are experiencing now can help us appreciate the goings on at the local level.

So, come on over and tell us how you feel.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still in a sort of shock about it, I guess. I never thought we would get him, rather just find him dead of natural causes eventually (if ever).

    I don't feel more safe. If anything, I'm on more of an alert now and anticipating some sort of response from something somewhere (the dangerous unknown threat).

    As far as local stuff goes, it seems like the two candidates for mayor are hard to tell apart in regards to their stances on most local issues. I'll definitely be voting yes for the renewal. The school system can't afford to see it's budget devastated in the name of spite.


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