Friday, June 3, 2011

Arcanum 8th Graders meet Speaker of the House

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This year, when the 8th grade students from Arcanum Middle School made their annual trip to our nation’s capitol, not only did they visit many historic monuments, museums, and place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, their class advisor, Amanda Everman, arranged a surprise for them, as well.

Before embarking on their trip, Miss Everman contacted the office John Boehner, to see if it was possible for the Speaker of the House to meet with her students, if only for a brief moment, while they were in Washington D.C.

After numerous emails and phone calls, arrangements were made for Mr. Boehner to meet with the Arcanum students on the steps of the Capitol. When the motorcade arrived at the Capitol and secret servicemen appeared, the students realized they were in for a surprise that wasn’t on their itinerary.

Mr. Boehner explained the responsibilities of both the House of Representatives and the Senate and what his duties were as the Speaker of the House. The students had the opportunity to ask questions, before the Speaker headed up the steps of the Capitol.

Miss Everman and her students would like to extend a big thank you to Wayne Kirby and Classic Student Tours for making the “unscheduled” stop on the tour possible.

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