- With the new contract, health insurance will go away if an employee does not retire before May of 2012
- Wages are only being reduced for new hires. Existing employees are not seeing a wage cut.
Not quite as bad as was mentioned before, but it's still not great news.
We'll have more as we learn more. If you have more information you can contribute to this story, or find error with anything noted above, email it to darkejournal@gmail.com
We are also hearing reports that Neff is outsourcing local jobs, hitting an already suffering local economy.
I am pretty sure I have stated this several times now on Darke Journal and to many people who know me. This was only a matter of time. Manufacture jobs are at the lowest levels for a long time. They are really hurting here in Greenville. This town better rethink its main source economy system on how to draw in revenue from local businesses.
ReplyDeleteGreenville is in serious trouble if we continue to lean on manufacture companies. It is no longer sustainable
This is how rumors get started, posting things
ReplyDeletewhen you only have part of the facts.
This town is on life support and not getting any better, if i could afford it, and was a little bit younger, I would run from this place as fast as I could to somewhere with actual possibilities.
ReplyDeleteNo surprise about them dropping insurance coverage. This is in line with the 30% of employers who say they are dropping all medical coverage because of obamacare. At least the retirees will have medicare. Oh wait that is going broke too. Hopefully people will wake up one day.
ReplyDeletewe ALL know the reasons why greenville is loosing jobs and no new industry in coming in....ITS BECASUE WE HAVE NO NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS TO ATTRACT THEM.....
ReplyDeleteJune 8, 2011 8:17 AM
we ALL know the reasons why greenville is loosing jobs and no new industry in coming in....ITS BECASUE WE HAVE NO NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS TO ATTRACT THEM....."
Oh please... give me a break! No wonder you posted as "Anonymous"...
Don't blame dropping insurance coverage on Obamacare. My company dropped it a few years ago. Why? Because they could. And nobody went running to another place of employment because there is none here! So we go without or pay HUGE premiums to be covered independently.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get the stat about 30% dropping coverage because of Obamacare? Fox News, Glenn Beck or Rush? Baseless statements like that are why there is so much panic in the economy. And please, don't link us to some conservative blogger somewhere who claims to be all knowing. Just more political bologna. The only ones that lie more than the politicians, on both sides of the aisle, are their news channels.
ReplyDeleteits been drivin into our heads that if greenville builds new schools that it will secure new business and developemnt in the area and other people will flock to greenville.....what happens when they pass this levy and jobs continue to disappear and people leave the area and greenville falls into forclosed homes and people cant pay thier taxes....then what happens to the precious multi million dollar schools......we need to concentrate on getn jobs jobs jobs to the area that should be the top priority on everybodies list mainly the city of greenville...wake up council members and mayor or soon your city will be another mini detroit....
ReplyDeleteNo one thinks that a new school = new businesses instantly. At least no sane person does.
ReplyDeleteSchools are a vital part of the equation of what makes a community attractive for new businesses. It, combined with many other factors, such as health care, access to leisure/entertainment areas, access to major interstates/transportation methods, etc.
Schools will help the job picture, but by no means will cure it on its own.
Older Fram retirees did not get medical coverage as part of their retirement package. I froze my retirement in 1998 and I do not have it. At some time after that date the Union was able to get it for new retirees. In this latest contract anyone who retires after May 2012 will not have medical insurance. Also, the amount the employees pay on their part of their medical insurance is going to go up greatly over the 3 years of the contract.
ReplyDeleteThese items were partially a result of Honeywell Automotive being bought by the Rank Corp. Rank also recently purchased Champion Labs Fuel filters in Illinois. The Fram Union did what they felt they needed to do to try and ensure that Rank keeps this plant open.
I for one think the Union made the right decision. Against popular belief by some - Unions aren't all bad!!
Schools are more than just new school buildings. Greenville has one of the poorest performing schools in the county. I feel the community would be more supportive of the schools if we did a better job of educating our kids. Getting a new building isnt going to take care of that! New businesses look at the performance of a school system when deciding to locate a business among many other factors.
ReplyDeleteThe main thing to remember is this...
ReplyDeleteThey are hoping you don't bother to get out and vote. Every single person needs to vote for or against this big big tax hike coming up soon for a new school. I will bet most people feel they are over taxed all ready. But if you don't stand up and place your vote it will pass this time around. They call people, go door to door asking for support. In there quiet way hoping every one else figures every one will vote no but in reality may vote in small numbers yes. SO MAKE SURE YOU VOTE!!! Or it's only your fault to pay more taxes.
Don;t forget, gas tax is also going up soon.
Anyone who votes for a school levy is stupid. If you want to pay more in taxes just write a check and send it in. No new taxes.
ReplyDeleteTo you people who think companies will not drop medical coverage answer this. Why wouldn't they? It will cost much less to pay the fine per employee not covered as opposed to covering them. I thought all you libs said corporations are the devil and ran by evil greedy people. They will drop it like a hot potato.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, opinion is not fact. I am in the business and know of no local companies who will drop it. Speculation on your part is apparently based on your limited knowledge. If the Gov't coverage is good, the workers won't care. If the coverage is not, quality companies will offer either full or supplemental insurance if they want to retain good employees. The companies who will drop operate under a different set of priorities in the first place. Case in point, Honeywell. The Gov't coverage is not in place yet but they are dropping it. Why? Can't blame Obamacare when it's not fully implemented yet. Private insurance rates have been going up in double-digit percentages for years. That has hurt all businesses and has led to looking at alternatives. And that has nothing to do with Obamacare.
ReplyDeleteNot all lib ideas are bad, nor are Cons ideas. America was founded on meeting somewhere in the middle and that's how progress has been made for the past 200+ years. Stop thinking the world is black and white because it never has been no matter what the media or talk radio tells you. Good people coming together with good ideas and compromising for the good of all is the key. It's the only way things have ever been accomplished in Government.
ReplyDeleteI just sat here and read every single one of these comments. I have come to a conclusion.... none of you have an ounce of common sense to speak publically. I once read something on a comment board here - I forget who posted it - but it is accurate.
ReplyDeleteBetter to be a quite dummy than to speak and remove all the doubt.
In other words, everyone's opinion is wrong except yours. No one has common sense except you. Yep, you removed all doubt!
ReplyDeleteNo... you missed the point 4:13. 3:40 doesn't have an opinion. That person is merely stating that the way so many people talk on this particular comment board are so out there it makes them appear to be very un-educated when talking about issues such as this.
ReplyDelete10:34pm - that was an opinion from 3:40pm
ReplyDeleteThat person was station their opinion.
Their for you are wrong. You are also showing your opinion in a way that makes you fell that you are more educated then the rest of us. Their again, you are wrong.
I will respect your opinion when you learn the proper usage of their and there..... nuff said 7:33. You have proven 3:40's point perfectly!
ReplyDeleteIf I was standing to your face using the same words, you would have had some thing else to say. I wonder what that would be? Wait, I know! some thing educated ya that's it.
ReplyDeleteGame, set & match. Way to go xxx! Once again, you prove your comments to be that of fairness. For my .02, I believe that 3:40's opinion was this... agreed with what many here are trying to say, but stating that the writing skills come off as silly or arrogant - take your pick. If you're reading this 3:40, am I correct?
ReplyDeleteWe are not in school and this is not a spelling course. This is a comment board. You people that like to down grade others for the spelling and use of words need to leave this site. Your type is like a cancer, just like the ones living off the tax payer. Your probably an administator or public employee sitting at your desk on the net at work waisting tax payer's money.
ReplyDeleteSorry 12:11.... I have to agree with xx and egg. Writing skills can be everything when posting on comment boards. Just admit that you messed up and move on.
ReplyDeleteI admit egg xxx and 233pm, you all win! I messed up with the word of " their or there".
ReplyDeleteI'm a wave grad and the newer building back when did not do me any extra good.