Friday, June 10, 2011

Judge Monnin Announces Campaign Chairpersons

Judge Julie Monnin, judicial candidate for re-election as Judge of the Darke County Municipal Court, is pleased to announce that Don and Deb Shilt have been named her campaign co-chairpersons for her re-election campaign. “I am pleased to have the support and guidance of Don and Deb with my campaign. I’m looking forward to working with them over the next several months,” says Judge Monnin. Jim Shuttleworth, campaign treasurer and Judge Monnin’s dad, is also pictured with the group.


  1. I hope Darke County re-elects this fine judge into office. She has done a great job. If its not broken don't fix it. Judge Monnin has my vote.

  2. Looks like a "deer in the headlights" to me. Time for a change in that court.

  3. I had the opportunity to talk with Judge Monnin recently - having never met before, but I am aware of her record and ideas. Very nice chat for about 20-25 minutes on all sorts of things.
    I can agree with 4:15, it isn't the best photo, but she has done a decent job, and has the intention of continuing to do so, in a very tough position. You all ever look at the Dayton Daily News mugs shots of Darke Co. inmates? Whoa..............

  4. Just visit the third floor of the courthouse on any day and see how busy the judge and her employees are. They are always occupied. And yes, if it isn't broke, why change it, for mere political reasons?

  5. Shame on you, 4:15. I was always told that if you can't say anything nice, then don't speak at all.

  6. Interesting. I thought that Lynn Bliss and Doris Houdeshell were Monin's campaign managers.

  7. Wasn't sure about how well Judge Monnin would do when she was elected. After watching how she performs she has erased any doubt that she is doing a good job for Darke County, much better than any other judge we have or have had in recent memory. She holds people accountable for their actions and does more than a simple slap on the wrist. She also works well with our law enforcement folks. Jesse is a decent guy but she has earned reelection! Vote her in again!!!

  8. Vote yes!!! for Jesse

  9. Alex B: That's a Polly-Annish attitude. In a political campagin saying "deer in the headlights" is really pretty mild----just wait!


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