Thursday, June 30, 2011 More Details on Greenville Budget Cuts and Layoffs has new information regarding the impending budget cuts and layoffs in the City of Greenville. Among the things that stand out, more specifics are given on the positions being eliminated, as well as the revelation that the city is talking with the county about moving GPD dispatch to the Darke County 911.

Click here for more details, then come back and tell us what you think.

Update: DarkeJournal has also been told unofficially that all non-essential personnel are having their hours reduced. This would include workers in the city building, utilities and transit minus safety forces. In addition, the pools will not be open next year.

1 comment:

  1. We might as well kiss any chance of new industry coming to Greenville goodbye. The school officials want to blame the lack of new industry on our run down schools, just wait until the city streets are so full of chuck holes and need resurfaced, the side walks and curbs are left to get in worse condition than they are already. The city parks are neglected and no longer an asset to those visiting.
    If there is no swimming pools next year does that also mean that the other sports fields and areas in the city will be halted? There should not be a need for the parks and recreation director then.


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