Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Town Hall Meeting to be Held Tuesday, July 12

What: Town Hall Meeting
Where: Lighthouse Christian Center
When: Tuesday, July 12th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


County Commissioners
  • Conveyance Fee
  • Source of revenue next year
  • Reduction of government administration
Darke County Schools
  • Boards of Education Performance
  • Senate Bill 5
  • Five Year Forecast
  • Debt Next Year
Bring your questions and ask the commissioners and schools officials.


  1. It will be interesting to see how many school officials, if any, attend.

  2. Who's sponsoring this? Have their been actual commitments from anyone that they will attend (ie Commissioners, School board members, etc.)?

  3. I would also like to know who is sponsoring this. May go a long way in knowing whether or not there is reason for these officials to show up or not. Give us more info please!

  4. I'm not 100% sure who is officially sponsoring it, however the announcement was submitted by Al Bliss.

  5. Anything Al Bliss is associated with is not worth reporting. He is one of the problems who offers no solutions.

  6. Does anyone know what the reduction of government staff was about. Didn't get to go to the meeting but wondering what was said about it!


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