Wednesday, August 10, 2011

FYI: From Jeannie's Pooch Parlor - Wrong Number Listed for GCPD in Some Sources

Jeannie, of Jeannie's Pooch Parlor, would like you to know:

If you are looking for the phone number for the Greenville Police Department online at  please be aware that number is wrong. The number and address listed is our home and business, Jeannie’s Pooch Parlor.  I have contacted as well as Time Warner Cable to get the information correct.  Time Warner Cable finally corrected the info after 3 months of contacting them. still has not corrected the mistake.  Please note the Greenville Police phone number is 937-548-1103. If anyone has any idea how I can get this straightened out with I’d appreciate the help.  I’m tired of getting calls in the wee hours of the morning from people wanting to contact the police. 


  1. What do I do if I want to report a barking dog?

  2. Anon takes a mighty swing with the humor bat and comes up empty.

  3. Free spay/neuter for criminals?

  4. Thanks to a DJ reader who is also employed at At&T I was able to get this cleared up. It is wonderful that DJ readers are so helpful. I don't know how to contact the person, but I would like to say "Thank you!"


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