Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sheriff: 10-year-old boy died from accidental self-inflicted gun shot

Darke County Sheriff's Detectives and the Darke County Coroner's Office have concluded their investigation of the shooting incident that occured early this morning on Peters Road near Union City. Preliminary findings suggest that at approximately 1:05 a.m. a 10-year-old male was handling a 9mm handgun when he appears to have accidentally suffered a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head. Evidence supports that this was not an intentional act on the child's part.

The investigation is continuing and a final ruling by the Darke County Coroner will be pending further forensic testing over the next few weeks.


  1. this is so sad. it has stayed with me all day. such a tragic event. 10 years old... :( breaks my heart.

  2. Will there be charges filed against the parents for letting a 10 year old gain access to a gun? And at 1:05 a.m. why was this child not in bed asleep. I think this is a perfect example of irresponsible parenting. This is so sad and preventable. If you are a good parent then these sort of accidents can be avoidable

  3. Their son just died a horribly gruesome death. Give them a break from your judgement for awhile, will ya?

  4. This is not the time to be slamming the parents. You don't know what happened. Those parents will live with this forever. Let's all say a prayer that they can find peace and get through this tragedy.

  5. It's not slamming anyone, it pointing out facts of responsiblility of parents and gun owners. Under no circumstances should there ever be a loaded weapon where a young child can reach it. and if for some reason there is they shoud be taught gun safety .

  6. Regardless of what anyone may think, we have a dead child here. It is not the natural order of things to have your children pass before you do. Children make mistakes.......this one cost him his life. My heartfelt condolences to his family. This must be the worst time of the parents life.

  7. Sweet mercy, I really hope the family does not read this site, nor does anyone direct them to it! Please save diatribes on guns and gun safety for another day or submit your own article on the topic in a few weeks to the site via the e-mail provided.

    My condolences go out to the family. My heart skipped a beat when I read this yesterday.

  8. it is a tragic loss...there was 5 of us kids we grew up around guns/hunting and all of us was taught that guns are not toys and proper safe handling of every gun...everytime.....maybe gun safety training should be law if you have guns and have kids as well...

  9. Very sad, indeed tragic, and as a parent I just can't imagine. But, the earlier poster does make some good points as to how this could have been avoided... why was he up at that hour, why was there a loaded weapon in the home, and why did he have access to the weapon?

    I am not at all against firearms...everyone should learn gun safety, and at a young age.

    God Speed to the family and friends.

  10. I am family, and I just pray that those who are so quick to pass judgement are never on this side of such a tragic accident. No matter what the facts are, there are some that are just cold-hearted and will still cast their blame. I do agree, it is a bit distasteful to pass such condemnation so quickly after such a horrid event, and like I said, I pray you are never on this end of it.

    Have you never gotten up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep? He was trying to do something good and made one critical error that cost his life and will haunt the rest of us for the remainder of our own. He was a child and he made a mistake - may you, an adult, never make one with such high consequences.

    I also like how you are so quick to judge, but withhold your name. To me, you got something to say, own up to it.


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