I believe that most decisions in life should be made by the individuals who will be directly affected by them. They should not be made by bureaucrats in a centralized location, people who have never, and will never, meet those which their decisions and actions impact.
Since the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” Americans began to understand that their healthcare decisions may soon no longer be made in the doctor’s office or at the kitchen table, but rather in Washington.
At a time when the United States and Ohio are in desperate need for job creation, the federal healthcare law will result in just the opposite. Due to the size and cost of the program, government will inevitably increase spending on healthcare, which will trickle down to taxpayers and small businesses. Simply implementing the law will be costly in itself, but the costs that are sure to come down the road will be additionally harmful to our struggling economy. Anyone who follows politics knows that the government has a habit of spending more money than it originally intended or promised. In fact, some estimates show the plan to cost up to $100 billion more than initially expected. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it’s “free”.
Businesses will be forced to abide by new standards and regulations, pay higher taxes and face harsh penalties, thus diminishing the incentive to create jobs. While the law will not fully be in effect until 2014, side effects are already being felt today. The size of the bill itself has caused a great deal of uncertainty in the marketplace; business owners simply do not know what to expect. Because of this, many are unwilling to take the risk of making important decisions, such as hiring new employees or expanding services.
As people and states gradually learned more and more about the law and its effects, they began to spring into action. Ohioans took matters into their own hands and gathered enough signatures to ensure a vote. Because of their efforts, Ohioans will have a voice on the healthcare mandate come November.
I will continue to support legislation that will enhance the freedom of all Ohioans, and I am always eager to listen to my constituents. Please do not hesitate to contact my office with questions or ideas related to the future of our great state.
The sky is falling!
ReplyDeleteThe sky is falling!
Are you scared yet?
Blah, Blah, Blah, Vote for me!
You support legislation that will enhance the freedom of "all Ohioans"? For real?? What about the freedoms of public employees here in our state. Your political views, and it is all political, trump thier freedoms! You have voted to change the law for political gain. Shame on you Richard!