Monday, November 28, 2011

Stegall to Continue "Coffee with the Commissioner"

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of the “Coffee with the Commissioner” gatherings I have had this past year. The success is due to you, the people of Darke County. When I was elected, one of my goals was to bring government back to the people.

Over the years, people have become disconnected with their chosen representatives, and I believe this is why we are in the shape we are in now. As President Lincoln said in the last line of the Gettysburg address: “… and the Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” I believe that. This government is the people. What elected officials forget is that we work for you, and in order to know what you expect of us, we need to be accessible and communicate with each other. I will continue to make myself, and any elected official who wishes to join me, accessible. This is not about me or anybody else, it is about letting people have access to their government, period. The old saying “I can’t fix it if I don’t know it’s broke” applies here. This is your chance to let us know what we need to fix. I think it has been a real success.

 I plan on continuing with these gatherings, because I need to know what you think, and I really enjoy talking to people. I have learned that people do appreciate the fact that they can contact us anytime with concerns, and correct us when necessary without recrimination, or on that rare occasion tell us what we are doing right!

I will resume the “Coffee with the Commissioners” in January after the Christmas Holiday. I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and may we continue in the New Year to work together to remedy Darke County’s problems. May God Bless each and every one of you!! Merry Christmas!!

- Mike Stegall, Darke County Commissioner


  1. Mike, you may want to consider some larger venues for upcoming events.

  2. Anonymous, that is a good idea, so do you have one in mind? I don't mind what town or village it is in, but I would like to get to New Madison sometime, but I don't know where in town would be good. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas, and thanks for the comment!

  3. The last Coffee with the Commissioner seemed like a bust. I went into A&B for coffee that morning and there were 4 people their. Mike Stegall, Jason Aslinger, and two patrons. If this is success we are in trouble. The one that was held in October went bad when Mr. Stegall got called out about his facts were not even close to the truth.

  4. How about center court in the gym? You could have reserved seats for commissoner in the round. Reserved seating is recommended would'nt want a replay of the "Who" festival seating disaster.

  5. Please keep him out of New Madison.

  6. How about a time convenient for people who work if you really want ideas/input from the community.

  7. 10:39am --When I was in A & B that morning there were about a dozen people. Maybe instead of complaining, you should have sat down and expressed your issues directly. Maybe you'd just rather be part of the problem rather than part of the solution....or simply don't have anything intelligent to add.

    11:58am -- How much more convenient for "working people" can you get than a Saturday morning?

  8. Thanks to everyone for the ideas. Anonymous 10:39 you couldn't be more wrong! That was one of the best ones. A good crowd, good questions and me being corrected proves that people were listening. I get things wrong sometimes, and having people who care enough to let me know are appreciated. Maybe you need to come as Suzy said and tell me what your problem is with me or the county. I will listen and we will discuss what your problem is. Be Bold! I do not expect everybody to agree with me, but I do expect those that don't to let me know why. Shed your anonymous tag and and stand up for what you believe. Who knows, you and I both might learn something!

  9. The crowd you talk about at the October Coffee with the Commissioner was not there for you. We are there every Saturday to play cards.

  10. Boy, card players sure asked a lot of questions about the county. I Didn't get that first question about poker.

  11. Glad to see we are paying our commissioners to sit around the office playing on the internet responding to chat rooms!

  12. Keeping the communication lines open with the people, which is what people wanted from us, wasn't it?

  13. I think anonymous has a thing for Mr. Stegall.
    Can't blame them, though. He's lovely.

  14. These people don't know what they want....other than to complain and blame someone else for their lot in life.

    Keep up the good work, Mike! It's nice to see someone keeping their promises.

  15. May be I should call my self Kitty. Then me and suzy would have so much to talk about. Just another example of the kind of leadership in this community sucking up to other leaders for support.

  16. 734- you're an idiot. Anyone can use any name, and the person you so cleverly reference uses an alternate spelling than the poster above.

    Just another example of anonymous posters assuming things with their half of a brain.

  17. 7:34 -- What are you even talking about?

  18. Man, some of you are pathetic. It's miserable sad sacks such as the ones in this thread that ensure nothing changes. Get a life, and crawl back in your hole where you belong.


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