Friday, December 9, 2011

Greenville Schools Foundation Give Thanks for Silent Auction Success

The Greenville Schools Foundation wishes to thank all of those who made the dinner and silent auction a great success last month. A special thanks to Romer’s, Greenville High School Jazz Scene under the direction of JR Price and the GHS Wavaires with director, Michelle Smith. Thanks to all of you who purchased tickets, attended and bid on auction items; also to Rich Edwards for his expert auctioneering skills.

We especially want to show our appreciation to those who donated items and gift certificates for the auction. Victoria Theater Association, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Darke County Center for the Arts, Eileen Litchfield, Cratiques, Ace Hardware, Hittle Buick/GMC, Flower Patch, Wieland Jewelers, Kitchen Aid Experience, Attitudes on Fourth, Heritage House, AAA, Bistro off Broadway, CJ Highmarks, Longfellows Shadows, G & G Carpet, Papa John’s Pizza, Staples, Boyd’s Dry Cleaners, The A&B Coffee and Cake Co., Interiors by Carolyn, D & Co. Stylists, Loretta Etzell, Touch of Heart Therapeutic Massage, Jan Boyer, Jana O’Brien, Warner & Lehman Chiropractics, Julie Clark at Bear’s Mill, Brethren Retirement Community, Francis Furniture, Furniture Express, Winner’s Meats, The Fairlawn, The Hair Gallery, Kathy O’Dell, Massage on Main, Darke County Massage, Immanence Massage and Wellness Center, Janet’s Bakery, Brenda’s Beanery, Baker’s Store Sweets, Tangles, Marco’s Pizza, Lowe’s, Greenville Athletic Department, Greenville Golf Course, White Springs Golf Course, Marty Davis, Hannah’s Garden Center, Helen’s Flowers Elements Life Yoga, Cavalier Clothing, Prestige Auto Service, Hallmark, Eikenberry’s IGA, The Coffee Pot, Hansbarger Home Solutions, JAFE Decorating, Inc., Rhi-Invented, Greenville National Bank, Greenville Federal, Second National Bank, Super Wash.

Hope to see you all again next year!

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