Thursday, March 8, 2012

13 Year Old Regan Bowman to Play at The Coffee Pot

We have had many amazing moments since opening The Coffee Pot - but this is for sure in our top 5. We were getting ready to close and a sweet family of 4 entered the shop. They purchased some pie and drinks and sat at a table. Their son approached the piano, sat down and started playing. We couldn't even concentrate on the conversation we were was GORGEOUS. He played about 5 songs and each one was just as good as the first. Our own personal concert as we were closing up the shop for the night. It was awesome. Turns out, the son is only 13 years old. He has only been playing piano for 3 years. Needless to say, we booked him for a show. Such talent and so humble. Come up to The Coffee Pot on Friday night to show your support to a talented and local young musician and get a great cup of coffee while you are here. We would love to have you join us!

Check out The Coffee Pot's Facebook page for more info and "like" it to stay up-to-date with all of the events we have planned:

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