Greenville City School Mission Statement:
Our mission is to create a quality learning environment that enables the school community to invent highly engaging work for students every day. As we strive to establish and maintain a high performing, always improving school system that looks to the future, the student and adult knowledge workers will be the focus of the system. Families, businesses, community organizations, and schools will be partners in learning.
As the Mission Statement above states, our goal is to establish and maintain a high performing, always improving school system that looks to the future. One of the ways we work to help all of our students to be successful and improve is through free after school tutoring programs for grades 3-8. If you wish to explore after-school tutoring options for your child, please contact the school where your son or daughter attends. Thanks for your support of our schools as we work to help all of our students have a successful educational experience and a bright future.
• The Greenville Junior High School offers an after-school tutoring program that is open to all students enrolled at the junior high. Tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2:30-3:30pm. All students are welcome to attend. Students receive one-on-one or small group assistance for any of their academic coursework, including homework help, review of classroom concepts and material, and assistance studying for exams, tests and quizzes. Students may also be offered practice tests and testing strategies to help them as they prepare for the O.A.A. testing in the spring. There are currently three tutors that work with these seventh and eighth grade individuals. The students regularly partaking in the tutoring program are gaining a better knowledge and understanding of their subject matter and its content, which in turn is improving their performance in the classroom on a day-to-day basis.
• The After School Program at East is held every day, unless students are dismissed early, from 3:25-5. The number of students attending varies each day from 4 to 15 but the average is about 9 students. Students sign in immediately and if they need help with any homework, they can sign up on the board under the "Help List." The list helps staff know who needs help and also helps to determine how to budget time so that students can receive individual help. There is also a "Reading Log" list on the board so staff can time students who are reading for their reading logs. After signing in, the students can get a snack provided unless they have brought something from home. When they have completed their homework they are allowed to select a book to read, utilize flash cards to practice or choose an educational reading, writing or math paper from an available selection. Students start packing up around 4:55 and they are either dismissed to their parents or walk home at 5:00.
• South Middle School offers an after-school tutoring program on Mondays and Wednesdays for fifth grade students and Tuesdays and Thursdays for sixth grade students. The program starts at 2:30 and runs until 4:00. Each day begins with a physical activity to help students unwind, a nutritious snack, and then academic time. Students are separated into two groups, those with homework and those without. Students who have homework are then taken to a classroom where it is quiet and they receive any help they may need with work. Students who do not have homework work independently or in groups on concepts they have worked on throughout the day in various subjects. South Middle School is committed to allowing students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with technology, so often work is reinforced through the use of educational applications on ipads. Currently, the local Presbyterian Church has sixteen volunteers who come in weekly to work one-on-one with a designated student helping them learn problem-solving strategies, test taking skills, and increase student’s knowledge base to prepare them for the O.A.A. they will take in the spring.
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