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Editor's Note: This originally appeared yesterday with the title "Vote No..." This was an error on my part. Ken clarified he is not endorsing a vote for either yes or no, but simply wanted to point out the following information. I apologize for the error and ensuing confusion.
Why is no one questioning the school tax levy? The state calls it a renewal. The School Board calls it a renewal. The committee calls it a renewal. It is a replacement by any definition. The tax rate goes UP. That makes it a replacement. I agree that the dollar amount will stay about the same but that is because the real estate value is DOWN. What happens when we get rid of the politicians causing this "recession" and the economy recovers even a little? Real estate will go up and the tax dollars will go UP. Is this another back door method of our School Board and Administration to get more money from the people? Such underhanded tactics should be questioned and make it hard to support our school systems. Where are our journalists who are supposed to report to the people? Is it any wonder that we, as American citizens, believe very little that is published?
Ken Wombold
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