Monday, March 5, 2012

Guest Post: Santorum and NOW agree on abortion

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Rick Santorum and the National Organization of Women (NOW) agree that abortion is to be condemned – at least in some instances. The United Nations states that there are 200 million fewer females on this earth due to gender selected abortion. That number is equal to the entire female population of United States and Canada. The difference between the two on this issue is subtle. While NOW is disturbed about the implications of gendercide abortion to women[1][2], Santorum is disturbed about the implications to humanity. The concerns and opposition to abortion can no longer be dismissed as the mantra of the religious right wing.

Charles E. Reier MD
Rebecca A. Reier

[2] “I wrestle with gender-based abortion more than any other reason [for having an abortion]...From a macro perspective, I don’t think it is a good idea for us to be eliminating women.

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