Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This Week is National Volunteer Week

The following was submitted by Steve Wenning, Chief of Greenville Township Rescue...

April 15 – 21, 2012 is National Volunteer Week. With that in mind I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the volunteer staff at Greenville Township Rescue. Many people may not realize that Greenville Township Rescue has volunteers. We began providing service to Greenville & Greenville Township over 37 years ago as an all volunteer organization. Throughout the years the number of volunteers have shrank but we are quite proud that we have been able to maintain volunteers in this organization. These men and women put in countless hours helping to provide EMS service to our community. Without their constant support and dedication it would be difficult to do all of the things we do every day.

Their support goes beyond answering a call for help. They actively participate in continuing education programs throughout the year. As you know medicine is constantly changing and EMS is no different. Volunteer EMTs are required to take the same classes and obtain the same amount of continuing education as an hourly paid EMT. Greenville Township Rescue’s volunteers assist us in providing EMS coverage at community events such as Annie Oakley Days & Parade, The Great Darke County Fair, Farm Power of the Past, The Ohio Gourd Show, numerous Greenville City School events, as well as other community activities that occur throughout the year. Our volunteers also help provide Greenville Township Rescue the opportunity to participate in different drills and exercises without depleting our 911 coverage of the community. Greenville Township Rescue’s volunteers are a big reason why we have very few mutual aid calls into our district. At times of excessive call loads the volunteers, as well as others, interrupt their day to lend a hand, to help their neighbor and do it well.

There are volunteer EMTs throughout Darke County. Take a moment not just this week but throughout the year and say thanks. They do a wonderful job and get very little in return.

To all of the volunteer EMTs at Greenville Township Rescue, keep up the excellent work. You should be proud of the service you provide this community.

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