Friday, August 17, 2012

Swine Flu Considerations and Precautions for the Great Darke County Fair

Click on the image to view WHIO's report from the Fair Safety Press Conference detailing precautions taken and tips for what fair goers can do to help prevention efforts.

The Ohio Departments of Agriculture (ODA), the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) officials and representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to monitor influenza-like illness in animals and humans throughout the remainder of the county fair season in Ohio. We remind Ohioans to exercise common sense health practices while around animals.

Dr. Terry Holman, fair veterinarian, fair board members and fair staff will be monitoring hogs at weigh-in for exhibition at the fair and taking the temperatures of any that look ill. Swine and all livestock on exhibit will be monitored daily. Any animals exhibiting influenza like symptoms and a temperature or signs of contagious disease will be isolated or sent home.

ODH continues to partner with local health departments and health care providers across the state on any reports of human illness. Individuals who have reported close contact with swine and are exhibiting flu-like symptoms will undergo testing. Samples will be sent to the ODH laboratory for preliminary testing and then to CDC for confirmation. ODH will provide notice of any additional H3N2v human case confirmations.

With the Darke County Fair running through Saturday, August 25, ODA, ODH, Darke County Health Department, and the Darke County Fair Board remind residents and visitors that fair attendance is safe. Those attending the fair should remember these simple precautions:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and running water before and after exposure to animals.
  • Never eat, drink or put things in your mouth in animal areas, and do not take food or drink into animal areas. 
  • Young children, pregnant women, people 65 and older and people with weakened immune systems should be extra careful around animals. 
  • If you have animals-including swine-watch them for signs of illness and call a veterinarian if you suspect they might be sick. 
  • Avoid close contact with animals that look or act ill, when possible. 
  • Avoid contact with swine if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms.

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