The Arcanum Wayne Trial Membership meeting, that is open to the public, will be Thursday, September 13th at 7:00 the meeting room of the society building at 123 W. George St. Guest speaker for the meeting will be Arcanum’s own Bill Gunder, descendant of the founder of the town of Arcanum, William Gunder. Everyone including the public is invited to come and learn about the origin of the town and the founding family which included twelve children.
Bill Gunder is a published historian and author of several books including The Secret Town. Many of his books are still for sale. The program is the first of a series offering hints and guidelines on researching your own family history.
Euchre Parties have convened bi-monthly on the first and third Fridays at 1:00 P.M. at the historical house starting September 7th through May and open to the public, no reservations are needed, just come and enjoy the afternoon.
A special event on Sept. 20th at the Historical Building, presented by the Darke County of the Arts’ Coffee House Series at 7:00 p.m., will be a Russian Duo. Tickets for the event are $10.00 and are available for purchase at the Ben Franklin store in Arcanum. Refreshments for purchase will include Russian Desserts.
The society members have started working toward the annual Christmas Bazaar in November. Any gently used Christmas decorations and items donated are always greatly appreciated for the event. Items may be left on either the front or back door at any time. Items will be taken inside daily.