Friday, October 19, 2012

Darke County Resident Drives Congress Candidate Between Ohio Campaign Stops

Love, left, with Gail Snyder. Photo by Tammy Puff.
Mia Love gave a major speech at the Republican National Convention, recently held in Tampa. Her profile and history alone have made her a compelling presence in the conservative movement. She is a first-generation Haitian-American, a Mormon and a small-town Utah mayor. Love, who is black, is also running for Congress in mostly white Utah. If elected, she would be the first black Republican woman ever to serve in Congress.

On Saturday, October 6 Greenville native Gail Snyder was asked to be the driver for Mia Love while she made appearances in Ohio.

In an interview, Ms. Snyder said: “As I had not met and only read about her I was excited to be asked to do this . I picked up a car at the Dayton Airport and drove to Dublin where I heard Mia speak to the Republican women who were convened there. Her speech was impressive and she was very gracious in meeting me and thanking me for my driving her for the day.”

“We started off after picking up box lunches (the rigor of campaign trail -eating is a luxury) And then off to Canton. Mia made comments of the beauty of the Ohio country side and of what a nice place to live. Farms dotted the landscape with tiny ponds seeming to draw her interest the most.”

Gail Snyder continued: “Her husband Jason and another companion from the Republican party office were along. We talked about many things but when she related her meeting her husband, it was a
hilarious story. Only details I can share is that her and her husband's story varied by who chased who.
She is an avid walker and runner and loves to hike. Her energy seemed boundless until she fell asleep in back seat.”

They made their second stop in Canton and then went on to Independence, OH . ; then to the
Cleveland airport for their flight to LA. Gail felt very privileged to get this inside look of an exciting woman.

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