Saturday, October 6, 2012

First Congregational Christian Church Offers Food and Fellowship

First Congregational Christian Church invites you to join us every Wednesday evening at 6pm for a relaxed atmosphere and conversation over a meal provided for your entire family. Following the meal we enjoy a time of small group study.

Our current topic is “Crash Course on the Old Testament” …revealing through repeatedly fulfilled prophecy why the Bible is unique among holy books…it alone is able to demonstrate that it is what it claims to be: the inspired Word of God! Study topics will change periodically throughout the year with input from those who attend.

Our Youth Fellowship for 7th through 12th grade students meets during this time as well, and currently unites with other groups in the Darke County area to combine their efforts and activities.

We are located at 115 West Fifth Street, Greenville and can be reached at 548-3575 for answers to your questions.

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