Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"I am grateful for the time that God has given me with Tyler..."

Christopher Benek, a former youth pastor at a church in Greenville, wrote a wonderful piece regarding the life and passing of Tyler Kuhn. It's a (seemingly) rare opportunity to get a look at a person whose name is in a tragic news story to see who they really are and the impact their life had on others.

Please take a few moments, click here and read the article where Mr. Benek details his friendship with Tyler and what a special person he was. An excerpt...
In our time in ministry, Jeannelle and I have “adopted” many youth. Today, one of them – Tyler Kuhn – was killed in a car crash. It is days like this when you think that your heart has been ripped from your chest. There are not enough tears that can be shed… mourning runs deep. In this moment, it feels like I simply will never get over the loss. The insensitive might think that I am being over-dramatic with such a statement – but that would only be because they never met Tyler.
Thanks to M.S. Birt for sharing on FB for the rest of us to experience...

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