Saturday, February 2, 2013

Darke County Republican Women Installs New Officers

Darke County Republican Women's Club newly installed officers, left to right: First Vice-president JoEllen Melling, Treasurer Dori Howdieshell, Recording Secretary Lyn Bliss, President Sally Zeiter, Assistant Treasurer Carol Ginn, Corresponding Secretary Lila Pinney and Second Vice-president Kay Seiler.
"I am very honored to be able to serve the Women's Club for another term." said newly re-elected President Sally Zeiter.

The Darke County Republican Women's Club recently held the installation ceremony for its 2013 and 2014 term. Beverly Marker, a member of the Darke County Board of Elections, performed the installations.

Zeiter will be joined by incoming officers: First Vice-president JoEllen Melling, Second Vice-president Kay Seiler, Treasurer Dori Howdieshell, Assistant Treasurer Carol Ginn, Corresponding Secretary Lila Pinney and Recording Secretary Lyn Bliss.

The group will be holding its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on February 11 at the Chestnut Village Center of the Brethren Home Retirement Community. The meeting begins with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Reservations are required and may be made by emailing Wavelene Denniston by clicking HERE or calling her at (937)547-6477.

Reservations are to be made prior to noon on February 7, and any reservations made are to be paid. If you would like to attend the meeting but not have the meal, you should plan to arrive by 7 p.m. Lynn Gump for the Darke County Chapter of the American Red Cross will be the featured speaker. Gump will bring the group up to date on how the Red Cross serves the community and new programs they have.

For further questions regarding the Darke County Republican Women's Club, please contact President Sally Zeiter by email - click HERE - or by phone at (937) 423-2391.

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