Friday, February 8, 2013

State Representative Jim Buchy Seeks Constituent Input on Proposed Reforms in the State Budget

COLUMBUS— Jim Buchy (R-Greenville) today announced an effort to gain public input on the possible reforms in Governor John R. Kasich’s state budget proposal. Opinions are being collected in an online survey at:

Recently, Governor Kasich released his plans for reform as part of the proposed state budget for the 2014-2015 fiscal years. Representative Buchy remains in the process of reviewing Governor Kasich’s reform package which includes changes to Ohio’s school funding model and state sales tax among other reforms.

Representative Buchy plans to monitor the Governor’s proposals and gather opinion from the residents in the 84th House District. “Government derives its power from the people and I have always held the belief that public input is important in the legislative process.”

As part of a commitment to gaining that public input Representative Buchy has sent an email to constituents seeking their feed back. In addition, he has used social media to reach a broader group of individuals posting on Facebook and Twitter, asking constituents to complete an online survey regarding budget proposals.

You can provide your opinion to Representative Buchy by visiting the survey website at:

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