Tuesday, March 19, 2013


As part of helping everyone live healthy lives, the YMCA of Darke County hosted a membership drive during the month of February. Anyone who joined the Y during the month of February had the opportunity to donate 20 canned goods in lieu of the joiner’s fee. As a result, 807 lbs of canned and boxed goods were collected for local families in need. The food has been donated to the FISH Choice Food Pantry, which is an ecumenical organization serving the nutritional needs of the Darke County area, utilizing home delivery and a choice pantry. Kristy Cutarelli, Director of the FISH Food Pantry, says that amount of food will assist about 20 local families with an average size of 4 members. “Every bit helps,” she says, “We really appreciate the donation.”

The FISH Choice Pantry started in Greenville in 1967. Cutarelli says she has seen the need for food assistance go up each of the past several years. The pantry is supported completely by donations from individuals, churches, local groups and clubs, schools and businesses. In 2012, the Pantry assisted over 3,000 local families, which is nearly 10,000 individuals. Volunteers put in over 3,000 hours last year, as well. The food pantry is located at 501 Gray Avenue and is open to walk-in clients on Mondays from 1-2 PM, Wednesdays from 10-11 AM and Fridays from 4-5 PM. Home delivery is available 6 days a week, Monday-Saturday.

The Y’s Annual Community Support Campaign is in full swing! Funds raised through this effort are used to help people in our community with financial aid toward becoming members, acquiring child care, learning youth sports, and more. “Through our community support campaign, we want to educate people that we are more than a place to go to exercise tor swim, but an organization that does vital work thanks to the support of the community,” said Gail Hostuttler, Executive Director of the YMCA of Darke County. Membership dues alone cover only 45% of the cost to operate the Y, and therefore are not part of scholarship assistance. Please consider donating to our campaign!

The Y’s Annual Meeting will be held Monday March 25 at 7:00 pm at Romer’s Side Room. Light refreshments will be served. The evening’s agenda will include elections for the Board of Directors, staff and volunteer recognitions, 2012 highlights and the Y’s vision for 2013. RSVP is required, please contact Gail Hostuttler, Exective Director, at 548-3777 or ghostuttler@ymcadarkecounty.org.

For more information about membership or programs, visit us online at www.ymcadarkecounty.org or call the Y at 548-3777.

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