Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WHIO: Judge Hein Grants Early Release for Former Miami Co. Maintenance Director

WHIOtv.com's Steve Baker was in the courtroom in Miami County yesterday as visiting Judge from Darke County Jonathon Hein heard a request for early release from Miami County's former maintenance director, Jarrod Hannah.

Hannah was convicted of theft in office and tampering with evidence and sentenced by Hein to one year in prison, fined $7,500 and ordered to pay the county $1,443.

Hannah's offenses were related to mishandling of contracts as a county employee, including awarding millions of dollars in no-bid contracts and gifts allegedly given to county employees by vendors.

Hein granted the request, allowing Hannah to be released after serving 4 months of the 12 month sentence.

WHIO states, "In November, Hein said Ohio sentencing laws today focus on incarceration of violent offenders, not those with crimes such as those committed by Harrah. He said he would consider a request for early prison release from defense lawyer Andrew Pratt when Harrah was eligible."

In the courtroom video, Hein can be heard warning Harrah against thinking he was getting off lightly, saying, "Now understand me right now that if you get out and start mouthing off that you got a good deal, or I got buffaloed or somehow you got away with something, I want to know about that, Mr. Harrah..."

Click here (or on the image above) to read the article and watch the video at WHIOtv.com

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