Children’s Theatre Club present their next production, High School Musical. Based on the popular Disney movie, High School Musical follows Troy and Gabriella and all the East High gang as they try to navigate High School life. Featuring such favorites as Bop to the Top, Stick to the Status Quo, and We’re All in This Together, this fun filled musical offers something for everyone.
Children’s Theatre Club is a local organization which offers theatre opportunities for area youth. The club is open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Latter this year the club will be one of only four groups who will perform at the National PTA convention.
High School Musical will be presented on April 19th, 20th at 7:00pm and April 21st at 3:00pm. All performances will take place at the Wagner Ave. location (between Big Lots and Goodwill). For tickets or information about the organization call 937-547-3360 or
Children’s Theatre Club productions are made possible in part by donations from local supporters. High School Musical is made possible by the support of; Wayne Coblentz, T’s Freeze, Barga Heating and Cooling, Waible Energy Systems, and Pooch Parlor. To assist the young people experience the joy of performing in the theatre, contact the organization to become a supporter.