Monday, July 15, 2013

Wavaires Camp Begins July 21, Culminates in Performance on July 26

The Greenville High School Wavaires will participate in their annual week-long camp at Memorial Hall from July 21-26. The Wavaires are under the new direction of Chelsea Whirledge, and choreographer, Brooke Jendrusik. Both Chelsea and Brooke are 2007 graduates of Greenville High School, and 2011 graduates of Ball State University. They are excited for the opportunity to work with The Wavaires for the upcoming school year.

Throughout the week, The Wavaires will learn many different pieces that will be presented in their concerts during the 2013-2014 school year. Please join The Wavaires on Friday evening, July 26 at 7:00 pm, as they present their camp show, featuring the musical selections they will learn during camp week. The admission cost for the show will be $5.00, and tickets can be purchased at the ticket office of Memorial Hall the evening of the show. There will not be pre-sale tickets available for this event. Please come to Memorial Hall on Friday evening, July 26, for an exciting preview of what is to come for the 2013-2014 Wavaires.

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