Monday, September 9, 2013

Edison Awarded Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program

Edison Community College has recently been announced as a recipient of the Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program. The College will offer forty $1,500 scholarships per year during the 2013-2015 academic school years to current and potential students majoring in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

The scholarship program is awarded to select Ohio colleges, universities and their business partners that have developed innovative academic programs to recruit and retain more Ohio students entering STEM fields. By offering scholarships to students in these fields, the program supports increased higher education participation and success of Ohio students, while helping ensure the creation of highly trained technical workforce, ideally suited for modern careers.

Students majoring in the following areas are eligible to receive the scholarship: physical, biological, and agricultural sciences; engineering; computer science; mathematics; two-year technology degrees; nursing and allied health fields; teacher preparation in STEM disciplines.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational employment projections in November 2009, “The U.S. will have more than 1.2 million job openings in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)-related occupations by 2018. These include scientists, doctors, software developers and engineers. Yet, there will be a significant shortage of qualified college graduates to fill these careers.” Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State and Choose Ohio First Program initiator, believes the program will help make Ohio a national leader in educating students in the high-demand STEM fields.

For further information about the Choose Ohio First Scholarship, contact Edison’s Finance Aid Office at 937-778-8600. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is September 20, 2013.

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