Saturday, September 21, 2013

Edison to Host Disc Golf Tournament

A disc golfer takes aim at the final hole of the course.
Coinciding with its 40th anniversary reunion celebration weekend, Edison Community College will host a disc golf tournament on Saturday, September 28, 2013. The two-round tournament will be held at the 18-hole disc golf course located at the College’s Piqua Campus.

Registration for the event begins at 8:30 a.m. followed by the first round of tournament play at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided to those participating at 12:00 p.m. A fast-paced “ring of fire” game will follow round one, giving contestants the opportunity to win additional prizes. The second round of competition will begin immediately after the “ring of fire” contest and an awards ceremony will wrap-up the afternoon.

The course, which was established in 2009 and funded with a grant from the Paul G. Duke Foundation, covers a length of 4,946 feet that winds around the Edison campus and skirts the borders of the Piqua High School athletic fields and the Upper Valley Career Center. Players have to navigate ponds, wooded areas and hills as they aim for one of the 18 baskets that end each hole. The course is easy to follow for players of all skill levels, with concrete slabs marking off each tee area and the majority of holes averaging just below 300 feet.

All registrants will receive a player pack containing a commemorative disc, scorecard, and mini marker. For more information or to register visit

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