Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Mary Fleenor, 82, of Versailles, Ohio, was recently presented with the 2013 Ohio Horseshoe Tournament Director Award at the 2013 Ohio State Horseshoe Pitching Tournament held in Greenville, Ohio. According to Fleenor, Greenville is known as the “Horseshoe Capital of the World” and has been hosting the state tournament for over 50 years. In fact, she states that the state tournament has always been held in Greenville. Mrs. Fleenor started pitching horseshoes over 35 years ago and has been the Tournament Director for the past 13 years. In years past, she has been the recipient of the Francis Asher Award as well as the Sportsmanship Award. She is an inductee of the National Horseshoe Pitching Association Hall of Fame. She and her husband, Paul, have been married for 62 years. They are the proud parents of five children, Vicki Witt, Paula Varvel, and Paul, all of Versailles, Sandy DeHart of Greenville, Ohio, Patsy Hart of North Carolina, and Kelly Hill of St. Marys, Ohio. They have 16 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren and are expecting another great-great-child any day! The Fleenors have lived in Versailles for the last 35 years.

Mrs. Fleenor is currently a short-term rehab patient at Versailles Health Care Center. She decided to come to the center after a hospitalization to regain her strength and to benefit from the therapy programs. Mrs. Fleenor was hesitant to come to a skilled nursing facility after her hospitalization, but is enjoying her experience at Versailles Health Care Center. Fleenor says, “It really is helping me regain my strength. I know exactly what I need to do to get me back on my feet again and return home.” She also feels that the food “is really good” but comments that she may be biased as her daughter, Paula Varvel, is the Director of Dietary Services at Versailles Health Care Center. Varvel adds, “I know that Mom is getting the best nursing care and therapy here. The goal is to get her stronger and get her back home!”

The staff and residents of Versailles Health Care Center have enjoyed listening to Mrs. Fleenor’s horseshoe stories and congratulate her on her award. “I am thoroughly enjoying my stay at Versailles Health Care Center,” said Fleenor.

Versailles Health Care Center is a skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that offers short-term rehab services, outpatient therapy, and long-term care. Versailles Health Care Center sent home 159 patients that utilized its short-term rehab services in 2012 and 107 so far in 2013! If you are interested in learning more about Versailles Health Care Center, please call us at 937.526.5570, or visit on the web at www.versailleshealthcare.com.

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