Reminder: RSVP by September 16th (Monday!)
Mike Stegall has good naturedly agreed to be roasted as a benefit for The Citizens for Darke County Parks committee. Get out those great Mike stories! Or, just come and enjoy the entertainment.
Thursday, September 19, Mike’s Roast, which will be held at J & J’s Vending, 3875 S.R. 502 West in Greenville, will begin with a pulled pork sandwich dinner catered by Grumpy’s. Gathering time is 6 PM. Dinner will begin at 6:30 PM and roasting will follow at 7:15 – 9 PM. Marc Saluk will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Don Lockhart has donated his services as D.J. Dessert will be homemade apple crumble.
All proceeds benefit the Citizens for Darke County Parks committee, working for passage of the ½ mill Darke County Park District Replacement Levy on November 5.