Thursday, October 24, 2013


(L-R) MVHS Principal Jeffrey Winchester, CBC Darke County Account Representative Dana Puterbaugh, Mississinawa Valley Schools Superintendent James Atchley.


UNION CITY, Ohio - Congratulations are in order for Mississinawa Valley High School in Union City. Community Blood Center (CBC) presented school leaders with a check for $1,000 at the Monday, Oct. 14 school board meeting, representing the award MVHS earned in the inaugural CBC High School Leadership Grant Program for Blood Drive Excellence.

CBC is awarding $1,000 grants in five categories for the 2012-13 academic year. There are grants for both “Highest” and “Runner Up” in the Highest Percentage of Enrollment category because CBC considers this both an important measurement of blood drive participation and a fair method of judging schools of all sizes.
MVHS received the grant for Runner Up in Highest Percentage of Enrollment. “Mississinawa Valley is one of the smallest schools hosting blood drives and has a small number of eligible donors,” said CBC Donor Relations Manager Tracy Morgan, “But their enthusiastic support for their four blood drives in 2012-13 resulted in participation by 132% of enrollment.” MVHS was second only to Emmanuel Christian Academy in Springfield, which had 137% participation.

“We at Mississinawa Valley High School are honored to have received this generous grant from CBC,” said MVHS Principal Jeffrey Winchester. “It is great that CBC recognizes what we see every day at Mississinawa Valley; that our students and community see the value in giving. We appreciate that CBC honors that with the CBC High School Leadership Grant.”

“I think the board and Principal Winchester as well as myself are very pleased to see that,” said Mississinawa Valley Schools Superintendent James Atchley. “By pushing the blood drive, it’s neat to see that not only do our students participate, but they do so to that degree.”

Butler Tech was honored for Most Donors in 2012-13 and neighboring Hamilton High School received the award for Most Improved. Emmanuel Christian Academy also received a grant for Red Cord Excellence (the highest percentage of eligible donors who qualified for the Red Cord Honor Program).


The CBC/Vectren Creative Scholarship Program for High School Seniors: This $5,000 scholarship program is supported by a grant from the Vectren Foundation. CBC and Vectren annually award $1,000 in college tuition assistance to five graduating, college-bound seniors whose high school hosts a CBC blood drive. Scholarship applicants are challenged to imagine themselves as leaders of their high school blood drive as they design a winning blood drive marketing campaign. They must create a theme they believe will be effective in encouraging students to donate and creatively express the theme using conventional marketing techniques or innovative, artistic expressions. The application deadline is April 20. Examples of winning campaigns and the 2013-14 application are available at

The Red Cord Honor Program – Students are automatically enrolled in the program when the register to donate at their Red Cord Honor Program participating high school. They must register to donate at least three times during their high school career to earn a Red Cord, which can be worn at high school honor recognition ceremonies and graduation. Seniors have until May 15 (or by the date of their school’s final blood drive if it is after May 15) to complete the requirement.

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