This award is given to those entities that file an annual comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) and timely financial reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), as well as receive a “clean” audit report. The “clean” audit report means that the financial audit did not contain findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Single Audit findings or any questioned costs.
The award is given based on the most recent financial audit. As stated in the letter from Auditor of State, Dave Yost, “Clean and accurate record-keeping are the foundation of good government.”
MVCTC Treasurer, Debbie L. Gossett, accepted this award. Mrs. Gossett states, “This is valuable information for not only the school district, but for all of the communities that MVCTC serves”.
For more information about MVCTC, please visit
For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties, including Darke, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Warren Counties. MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley.