Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Versailles Health Care Center is Tackling an Alarming Trend, The Increasing Number of Female Athlete Knee Injuries

1 in 100 High School and 1 in 10 Collegiate Female Athletes
Suffer Serious Knee Injuries Every Year

If you are a female or have a daughter who plays sports, you should be aware of an alarming statistic – one out of every 100 high school and one out of every 10 collegiate female athletes will suffer a serious knee injury this year.

The Rehab Clinic at Versailles Health Care Center is a Certified Clinical Site for Cincinnati SportsMedicine and Orthopaedic Center’s, nationally acclaimed Sportsmetrics™ program. This 6-week program was designed to help athletes refine neuromuscular control of the lower limbs and is available at Versailles Health Care Center. This specialty camp starts November 11th and runs until December 19th. The camp will be from 6:30-7:30 am every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for a total of 18 sessions. Screenings can be completed on the first day of camp or prior to by appointment.

Experts from around the world have asked the question “Why?” Under the direction of Frank R. Noyes, M.D., researchers at the nationally acclaimed Cincinnati SportsMedicine Research and Education Foundation have focused their efforts on neuromuscular differences between male and female athletes. Dr. Noyes states that “our findings show two differences in females. First, there is a marked imbalance of strength and power between hamstrings and quadriceps in female athletes. Women tend to depend on ligaments to protect their knee joints after a jump rather than controlling the inward or outward slack with muscles. The second difference is that females land in a more valgus, or knock-kneed, position which increases the pressure on the knee joint.”

If you are a female or have a daughter who plays sports, this program can improve performance, increase jumping height and reduce injuries. Don’t miss out on your season! To sign up for this exciting program or for information, call (937) 526-0130.

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