Friday, October 25, 2013

"Why you should Vote Madden" - A Guest Post from Jeff Madden

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Deciding to run for School Board is not an easy decision; neither is deciding who to vote for. As voters come out to the polls and choose the best member for their school district, I hope they strongly consider voting for David Madden and for good reason.

I write this letter in strong support of David Madden for a variety of reason. The first may be most apparent by my last name. David is my older brother by 3 years. Throughout my life, we have always enjoyed a close relationship supporting each other through the many obstacles that life throws our way. David and I come from a small town, much like the area of Greenville, working parents doing the best they can to do what is right for their kids and their families. Personally, I cannot be more impressed with David’s dedication to the Greenville schools over the past few years. Having two (2) students in the school system, David took an exceptionally strong interest in the District several years ago, which grew to his active engagement on trying to educate the public about the recent bond issue.

With the passage of the bond, Greenville schools has made a significant investment in its future and choosing the right person for the School Board to help govern the District is key. I personally have seen how School Board members can influence a District both positively and negatively. For the past 10 years, I’ve worked in a variety of roles as Teacher, Coach, Principal and Business Manager for Springboro Schools. From an “insiders” perspective as a Teacher and Administrator, good School Board members are those that have a significant amount of energy, passion, and dedication for their school and community. Great school board members have those qualities, as well as the ability to unite different people from different backgrounds for a common goal. It is that skill and quality that David has, and it’s the skill that will take Greenville schools to the next level. A level that will inspire students in the elementary level to think without limitation and to push high school students into a career or college path that will set them up for lifelong success.

David Madden also has the business background to help oversee the construction dollars and ensure that Greenville’s investment is protected. Financial security of a district and making sure school leaders are fiscally responsible for maintaining the schools budget is perhaps one of the Board’s top priorities and its one that David will make a priority by using his professional background to the Districts advantage.

The vision to inspire youth, inspire adults, maintain fiscal responsibility and push the community in the right direction is David’s vision. While I’m sure the decision to vote for a school board member isn’t deemed as significant as voting for the president, I challenge the citizens of Greenville to look at the candidates from a holistic perspective. Vote for the person most invested, most passionate, and most dedicated to the future of the school system. Vote for a person that has students’ interests at the forefront of their decision making. I sincerely believe the candidate most aligned with those interests is non-other than my brother, Mr. David Madden. Please show your support by voting Madden on November 5th.


Jeff Madden
Principal - Fairfield Intermediate School

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