The Darke County Dairy Committee would like to invite you to the Fall Dairy Steer Weigh-In and Tagging held on November 30th at the Darke County Fairgrounds. This will take place from 9 AM to 11 AM in the Beef Barn. The cost is $5.00 for each head tagged. NEW THIS YEAR: The tagging and weighing will take place in the beef barn, NOT the scales at the end of the swine barn. You will be asked to unload cattle at the east side of the barn (dog barn) into a holding pin. Then you will retrieve your animals at the west end of the beef barn (show arena). We are asking that the exhibitor and/or family member be present throughout the entire process of tagging and weighing. The exhibitor/ family member will be asked to help with the process of tagging/weighing of their own animals. Please just follow the sign and ASK if you have any questions. This is an attempt to speed up the process and make it easier for livestock, families, and workers. This is the only time in which dairy steers will be tagged and weighed for the 2014 fair, so PLEASE be there. Also the committee does ask that you abide by the all rules stated in the 2013 fair book. Those include:
- Dairy Steers can not be crossed with beef breeds.
- All steers must be properly dehorned (no horn evident) and castrated before the time of tagging.
Thank you for your interest in the dairy livestock projects. If you have any questions please contact weigh-in chairman Alan Wuebker at 937-423-4061 or Jr. Fair Rep. Thomas Shaw at 937-621-9144.