Monday, November 4, 2013

Greenville Toastmasters Hold Speaking Contest

The Greenville Toastmasters, (TM), #1238 “The Can Do Club” held their local and Area 4 & 5 District Speaking Contest at their Greenville location. The local contestants for the Humorous Speech contest were Tony Baltes and Christy Riley. Tony and Christy both presented an excellent fun and entertaining speech in front of many of the Greenville Toastmasters at the Brethren Retirement Community Chestnut Village Center. Tony placed first to give him the honor to compete at the Area 4 & 5 District level. Christy will be the alternate.

Following the Humorous Speech contest was the Table Topic competition. Contestants Everett Hart, Elaine Ranly and Christy Riley participated in this impromptu type competition. Each contestant was given the same question that they had not heard before and were asked to talk on that topic for a specified time segment. Everett placed first with Christy Riley as the alternate to go on to the Area 4 & 5 District contest.

The Greenville Toastmasters members wish to congratulate all our participants in this friendly, fun and informative contest. The Contest began with a Welcome by President Gary Venenga. The Toastmaster for the Club Contest was Tom Godown and the Chief Judge duties was handled by Charlene Godown. Diane Delaplane helped with the organization of the contest. Area 4 Governor Bob Farmer helped present the Award certificates and gave updates of the next contest and area Toastmasters Events.

Pictured L to R: Tom Godown, Everett Hart, Christy Riley, Tony Baltes, Elaine Riley, Charlene Godown and Bob Farmer.

The Area 4 & 5 Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest was held at the Brethren Retirement Center Chestnut Village in Greenville. The Greenville Toastmasters #1238 “The Can Do Club” hosted the contest and were pleased to have many honored guests, several competitors and members in attendance. Kathy Hayes, DTM and Division Governor for District A Northern area welcomed guests and contestants and was the Toastmaster for the evening. Tony Baltes of the Greenville Club gave a very funny humorous speech of his experiences during the Tour de Donut that was recently held in Arcanum, Ohio. He won the competition and will compete at the District A (Northern) competition.

Everett Hart and June Waiser were contestants for the Table Topic Contest and they were both winners. The next competition will be at the District A (Northern) competition.

Comments were shared by the District Governor Eileen James, Lt. Governor of Marketing Brenda Gaines, Area 5 Governor Gene Todd and Area 4 Governor Bob Farmer. We extend a special thank you to Bob Farmer for organizing this contest and to Bev Delk for her duties as Chief Judge.

District 40 Fall Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Dayton, Ohio from Nov. 8-10, 2013. Conference events will include: Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests, educational sessions, keynote speakers and the District business meeting. You may visit the District 40 web site for additional information on these and other Toastmaster events.

A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure atmosphere. There is no instructor in a Toastmasters meeting. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success and personal development.

During the meeting participants also give impromptu talks on assigned topics through manuals, conduct meetings and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure.

The Greenville Toastmasters “The Can Do Club” was chartered on July 19, 1971 and has been active in our community through all these 42 years. The officers and members would like to invite the public to one of their meetings as a guest. The Greenville TM meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Brethren Home Chestnut Village facility. Our next meetings will be Tuesday, Nov. 12, Nov. 26 and Dec. 10, 2013. The public is always invited to attend a Toastmasters meeting or more and join in on the fun of listening to speeches and share in the friendships. To learn more about the Greenville TM Club you may contact one of the officers or call Diane at 937 548 8799. You may also check our website: This a wonderful way of learning and seeing what Toastmasters is all about.

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