Friday, November 8, 2013

MVCTC SkillsUSA Section 1 Chapter Collecting Donations for Care Packages for Deployed Military

MVCTC 2013-2014 SkillsUSA Section 1 Chapter Officers are collecting donations for care packages for The Blue Star Mothers of America. Back row left to right – Shayla Baker (Northmont), Shelia Brown (Centerville), Hailee Schmidt (Northmont), Kourtney Engle (Tri-County North), and Hope Williamson (Miamisburg). Front row left to right – Lexi Barto (Brookville), Kristen Petitjean (Versailles), Jenna Duff (Milton Union), and Shelby Teaque (Trotwood).
The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) SkillsUSA Section 1 Chapter held their second quarter meeting on Monday, November 4, 2013. The meeting included guest speakers from The Blue Star Mothers of America – Miami Valley Chapter #3. The guests shared the mission of Blue Star Mothers of America and honored MVCTC staff members that are military veterans. The MVCTC staff members honored included: Dale Berger, Ellen Bissey, Frank Definbaugh, Melissa Goodall, Blaine Heeter, Kelly Kramer, Eric Dolan, Kenneth Howe, Mike Jernigan, Ernie Stone, Phil McClurg, Mike Routzohn, and Patricia Weir.

The SkillsUSA Section 1 Chapter will be taking donations for The Blue Star Mothers of America care packages sent to deployed military. Donations will be collected through November 13, 2013.

Mr. Eric Dolan, MVCTC Academic Supervisor and Air Force Reservist, shared his experiences in Iraq with the students and staff present.

The Skills USA Section I at MVCTC includes students Cosmetology and Dental Assisting programs. The students have a busy year planned with their Fall Conference in November, Regional Competition in March, State Competition in April, and the National Skills USA Competition in June of 2014.

According to, “SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. It was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).”

For more information about MVCTC, please visit

For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties, including Darke, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Warren Counties. MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley.

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