Friday, November 1, 2013

New Officers Named for State of the Heart Hospice Board

State of the Heart Hospice held the agency’s annual meeting in September with new officers elected and new board members welcomed to State of the Heart’s board of trustees. State of the Heart has offices in Greenville, Coldwater and Portland. The meeting was held at the Greenville office, 1350 N. Broadway.

Named as new officers are: President, Mike Rieman; Secretary is Diane Swallow; and Treasurer is Tracy Haines. The past president is Jim Stamcoff. During the meeting, board members welcomed two new board members from Indiana, Al Groth, of Winchester and Jo Newman of Portland, and St. Henry resident Darby Wehrley.

The board is comprised of 13 members with various communities served having a representative on the board. State of the Heart cares for patients and families in 12 counties in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness.

State of the Heart is observing its 32nd year of providing quality hospice care to residents of the counties served. Last year, State of the Heart cared for 738 patients, a record number for the nonprofit agency.

A significant addition to the services provided by State of the Heart was the opening of a care center on the fourth floor of Wayne HealthCare in Greenville. The care center has five private patient rooms as well as a lounge for families, and a shower and bathroom for families to use while staying with their loved ones. Patients from the entire service area can use the care center. Patients are also cared for in their homes, nursing homes and skilled care facilities.

Over the years, State of the Heart has included music therapy as part of the services provided. Just recently, the agency introduced pet therapy for patients and families.

For more information about any of the services provided by State of the Heart, visit the agency web site at

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