“Where There is Help There is Hope” This is not only the motto of the Cancer Association of Darke County but also their pledge to residents of Darke County. The Cancer Association of Darke County has helped cancer patients in many ways. At their year-end board meeting Christine Lynn, Director of CADC reported that $901,557.97 has been provided in patient services over the past 14 years. Services that are available consist of reimbursement for mileage, medication & medical supplies expenses, Ensure, transportation, support groups, wigs & scarves. Brochures, books and other reading materials are also available.
Board members are busy planning for the 2014 calendar of events. Events for 2014 include a Gourmet Dinner Drawing, Monte Carlo Night, National Cancer Survivor’s Day, Chicken/Pork BBQ, Annie Oakley Golf Tournament and Gospel Sing. All funds raised by these events & donations to the CADC help provide the above services to cancer patients of Darke County.
The CADC is located at 1111 Sweitzer St. (Wayne Cancer Center), Greenville, with office hours from 9:00-4:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Christine Lynn and Marilyn Emmons are available at these times to assist with any questions or concerns you may have. For more information call the CADC office @ 548‐9960 for more details. Please leave a message if the office is closed or on the line with someone else.
From the Board of Directors we would like to wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year.