Thursday, January 16, 2014

Looking for a perfect Valentine gift?

Try a Gourmet Dinner for 8 !
Your choice of time and place.

Cancer Association of Darke County is holding its annual Gourmet Dinner Raffle with proceeds to help cancer patients living in Darke County.

Your support is greatly needed!

Eikenberry’s are donating the food again this year which will be prepared by the Gourmet Dinner Club. Minuteman Press is donating the tickets.

Members of the “Gourmet Dinner Club” will be volunteering their time to prepare a multi-course meal.

Tickets are $5.00 or 6 for $25. The deadline to buy tickets is February 5, 2014. The drawing will be held at the monthly board meeting on February 10, 2014. The winner will choose the time and place for the gourmet dinner to be prepared and served.

This dinner is a wonderful gift for your friends or family and at the same time greatly supports our Darke County cancer patients who are battling the devastating disease. Please help us to make this our most successful year!

Tickets can be obtained through Cancer Association of Darke County and also by board members.
Call Christine at 548-9960 or email

Thank you in advance for your support in this very important cause!

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