WHIO posted an article outlining the snow advisory level system used (and not used) by counties in our area. As you're aware, the county sheriff has the authority to issue snow advisories at Levels 1, 2 or 3, with 3 effectively shutting down roads in the county, giving law enforcement the ability to issue a citation to anyone they find out and about.
Darke Countians know this system fairly well, although even here it seems to generate discord and mild levels of controversy when winter storms blow through. People get upset when the level 3's are issued, and others get upset when they aren't.
WHIO's article also quotes Auglaize County Sheriff Allen Soloman, who does not use the level system, as saying that "he doesn’t want drivers to worry about being arrested for commuting on the roads around their homes." In addition, he believes it places an unnecessary burden on his department due to a high volume of calls from people inquiring about the current level. Shelby County Sheriff John Lenhart told WHIO that he "believe[s] citizens are smart enough to know whether they should go outside."
How do you feel about the use of snow advisories? Personally, I like having it, if nothing else, as a gauge of how bad conditions are, relayed by folks who are out in the thick of it throughout the storm.
Click here for the full article at WHIO.