Columbus, Ohio-Ohio State Representative Jim Buchy (R-Greenville) launched a website to provide factual information about oil and gas exploration in Ohio. Although Darke County is highly unlikely to host any hydraulic fracturing sites or waste sites for fracturing fluid, is a one-stop shop for answers to common questions in the community.
Representative Buchy explained, “Because of the work of my colleagues in the Ohio Legislature to create one of the strongest regulatory structures in the country in regards to oil and gas exploration, I felt compelled to respond to the misinformation we are hearing in our community.”
Representative Buchy served as state representative from Darke County when Ohio's modern regulatory structure was established in 1985, and since that time he has been a part of most updates to the oil and gas regulation program in Ohio.
“When I first started hearing false information being spread within our community, I was surprised because I knew that we had passed tough laws to protect oil and gas workers and all Ohioans,” Buchy said. “Over the last several months I have spent considerable time researching this issue and discovered a void of factual information, which has led to the launching of”
The launching of is another part of Representative Buchy’s efforts over the past few months to provide information to the public. Most recently, Representative Buchy organized a meeting with community leaders in Darke County where the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' top regulators answered questions about the hydraulic fracturing process. These experts also clarified that Darke County is highly unlikely to host hydraulic fracturing sites or waste sites for fracturing fluid.