Thursday, March 27, 2014


March 27, 2014

With Governor John Kasich signing Amended Substitute Bill 416, school districts can now finalize their contingency plans to address makeup days for the 2013-14 school year. One of the key provisions of Amended Substitute HB 416 was a local option for adding four calamity days to the current five days that do not need to be made up, only after districts have used four of their required contingency plan days.

Greenville City Schools had an adopted contingency plan of makeup days from their original approved 2013-14 calendar. The first four contingency plan makeup days were January 20, 2014, February 17, 2014, May 29, 2014 and May 30, 2014. The district has already made up the first two established days and will also now be in session for their final two established makeup days on May 29th and May 30th.

After making up these four days Greenville City Schools will be permitted to waive their final three school days missed by result of the emergency clause attached to the Amended Substitute HB 416. With the governor’s signature this legislation became effective immediately due to the emergency clause.

Thus, Greenville City School students will complete the 2013-14 school year on May 30, 2014. The teacher workday will now be held on June 2, 2014. Under the new HB 416, Greenville actually has one more waived calamity day available to them, if the need would arise. It is our hope that winter is over and the remainder of the years goes as scheduled. Thank you to the students, staff, parents and grandparents, as well as the entire community for working with the school district throughout this severe and difficult winter. Your support is appreciated.

Another part of the Amended Substitute HB 416 was authorization to delay reporting scores on the Ohio Achievement Assessments in grades three through eight by one week. This reflects the delay in administering the test by one week that was recently authorized by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

I hope this information helps with your summer plans. Feel free to contact the Superintendent’s Office at 937-548-3185 if you have any questions about the final makeup day schedule.

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