On both November 14, 2013 and December 12, 2013 the Greenville City Schools Board of Education unanimously approved resolutions to place a 2 mill permanent improvement renewal issue on the May 6, 2014 ballot. Greenville City Schools has utilized a permanent improvement levy since 1989 and successfully renewed the issue in the required five year cycle each time thereafter. That cycle for renewal continues on May 6, 2014 and will appear as Issue 3 on the ballot.
Permanent improvement money can only be used for improvements and projects with an estimate life or usefulness of five years or more. Some examples are building improvements and repairs, computer and technology upgrades, parking lot and athletic facility improvements, as well as educational and safety equipment. Permanent improvement monies cannot be utilized for salaries, benefits or consumable items.
In the last five years Greenville City Schools used the P.I. fund to complete the following projects:
- High School Gymnasium Renovation Project
- Memorial Hall Restoration Projects
- New and repaired boilers at various buildings
- New copy machines
- District computer/technology replacement
- Safety equipment upgrades at building entrances for access control
- Modulars and decking
- New school maintenance truck
- Abatement of asbestos at various buildings
- Light replacement at high school in gym, auto tech and engineering rooms
- Steam line and waste water upgrades at Woodland
- Scoreboard at Harmon Field partially funded by PI fund
Specific permanent improvement needs over the next five years include:
- Memorial Hall Restoration Projects including tuck pointing, window/door replacement and asphalt paving
- Tennis court improvement to surface and fencing
- Resurface track at Harmon Field
- Copy machines
- Additional computers and technology for online assessments and Twenty-First Century Education
- Updated building AED’s
- New school van
- High School site work – parking lots/sidewalks
- Improved/developed athletic fields and facilities
- Painting/repair/lights at Harmon Field
- Continued safety upgrades with equipment
- Future bus barn
- Snow and mowing equipment replacement
- Carpeting high school media center
The 2 mill permanent improvement renewal issue would result in NO NEW TAXES and would continue to provide the district with an annual amount of $500,000 for building and grounds and capital improvements. This issue is a request to renew an existing levy and again would result in no tax increases or additional millage. The issue will cost the tax payer no more than they pay today. The Greenville City School District will continue to operate within the constraints set forth by the budget and demonstrate prudence and accountability with your tax dollar.
School buildings and grounds are a major investment that requires ongoing maintenance and upgrading that benefit the students and staff as well as the community. In addition to the items already listed for need in the future, the present older buildings have to be maintained until 2017.
Renewal levies mean that voters can still take advantage of the State of Ohio funded rollback. All new levies have lost this advantage which was eliminated in the summer of 2013.
I hope these facts convince you to continue to support this renewal levy for the P.I. fund at Greenville City Schools. Our school district and community is going forward because of tax payer support. Help us continue that direction by voting FOR the renewal levy with NO NEW TAXES.
If you have ANY questions about the levy or any other school issue, don’t hesitate to call the Superintendent/Treasurer office at 937-548-3185 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We believe Greenville City Schools is a great place for students to learn and teachers to teach and our community is a great place to live.