This is a reminder note from the Darke County Department of Health to all parents of current SIXTH GRADERS. Before your son or daughter can enter the seventh grade this fall – they must have received the Tdap Immunization. This vaccine requirement for seventh graders went into effect five years ago in the state of Ohio and is necessary for all youngsters to have before starting their seventh grade year of school in the Ohio Public School System.
The Tdap vaccine covers immunity for the tetanus, diphtheria, & pertussis (also known as Whooping Cough) diseases. This new immunization requirement came about after much research proved that the human body needs one more pertussis booster during its adolescent/young adult years. This decision was due to the fact that pertussis has shown to have made a come back in the recent years – in some cases proving to be a very fatal disease - thus the need for a required booster shot.
On Saturday, April 12, the local health department will be offering the current sixth grade youngsters of Darke County a FREE Tdap vaccine. This will be given at SPIRIT Medical Transport as a drive-thru clinic between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Spirit is located @ 5484 South State Route 49 – less than 1 mile south of the fairgrounds. The vaccine will be free on this day only at this location. This is the only vaccine that will be available at the site. Youngsters must be accompanied by their parents or guardian OR provide a written note from their parents of guardian that the adult in attendance with them is allowed to sign for their Tdap immunization.
Take advantage of this easy and inexpensive way of receiving your Tdap immunization. If you procrastinate to a later date, you will likely face long lines, much waiting, and a greater cost.
Registration Forms for this event were recently sent home via US Mail to each sixth grade household. Please present these completed forms at the clinic site to save time.
For any questions about this project – please contact Dennis Wein, RN at the Darke County Department of Health by calling (937) 548-4196 (ext. 202).