Wednesday, August 6, 2014

“Ag is Cool” According to Governor Kasich - A Guest Post from Allen Peele

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Agriculture is a staple to the way of life for this county, and we are reminded of that every time we drive down the road and view the seemingly endless fields of corn and soybeans surrounding us. Darke County has lots of rich farmland and farming creates a bulk of employment, as well as the food you purchase from your local grocery store. Another big reminder is “The Great Darke County Fair” which is coming up August 15th. Individuals involved with 4-H and FFA, as well as members of the community, show their livestock, bring in produce, and other special-interest projects which include sewing, woodworking and cooking, to be judged at the fair. These projects prove how important agriculture is not only to the exhibitor, but also to every person attending the fair.

Although The Great Darke County Fair is still a couple of weeks away, The Ohio State Fair has just come to a close. The fair drew in crowds from all over the state and Governor John Kasich attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony on its day of opening on July 23rd. Governor Kasich walked around the fair with his family and talked to fair goers as well as exhibitors. The “Ag is Cool” Contest was an important stop for Governor Kasich while he attended the fair and kids received awards from Kasich for creating art that expressed the importance of agriculture. “Ag is Cool” actually started in 2011 under Governor Kasich alongside “Ohio Agriculture Week” to raise awareness among youth about how important farming is to them and their daily life. Kasich has renewed the idea of supporting agricultural pursuits by introducing policies which benefit farmers such as cutting taxes on Ohioans as well as eliminating the state’s estate tax or “death tax” which made it difficult for farming to pass from generation to generation. These practices have also expanded job growth in Ohio in relation to the agricultural sector.

Farming is more than a job for people—it’s a way of life, and Governor Kasich is able to understand that. Agriculture is one of the most important job fields people can work in, but often it’s looked down on or even sometimes completely forgotten. Kasich is not going to forget about our farmers here in Darke County, and will continue to support agriculture throughout the state.

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