August means the traditional end of summer, especially now that the fair is over.
Hard to believe schools have started, and harvest time is not far behind. That also means cold weather is not far behind either. Aren't we all looking forward to that!?
Quite a lot has happened this month in the County. Whirlpool, the new Greenville K-8 building, the Greenville High renovation, Reid Hospital, Jafe Glass, Village Green, and Koenig Equipment, are all in some stage of construction. The new jobs created by all this construction should give a huge boost to the County! Thanks to all of our great companies, and to all else who made this possible. The Great Darke County Fair always provides a boost, not only economically, but psychologically as well! The Fair is always fun for all, no matter your age! The new barn received great reviews. The Fair Board, Bruns Construction, and Bud's Electric and others are to be commended on a job well done. Thanks for making this building a real showpiece! Thanks to everybody who went and enjoyed the fair, and the wonderful entertainment.
As you can tell, Darke County continues to move along economically. Our workforce efforts are bearing fruit, and we will continue to get more results from this.
The Darke County Solid Waste is now registering people for the ‘Scrap Tire Recycle’ Day, which will be held on Thursday, September 25, 2014. This event requires that you pre-register at their office, 603 Wagner Ave., in Greenville, by September 12, 2014.
We want to extend an invitation to anyone that would want to attend a meeting. We meet every Monday and Wednesday publicly at 1:30 p.m. in our office located at 520 South Broadway in downtown Greenville. We are that nice building just south of the courthouse, so come on in and find out what is happening in your county. Hope to see you soon!
The Darke County Commissioners